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어딜 가나 재래시장 구경은 신난다 여행중 만난 사람들 (95) 올드 메디나-11/요트나 윈드서핑을 즐기는 사람들은 다 서구인들, 낚시하는 사람들은 다 현지인들이다. bestkorea(회원)  |  2022-09-27

*여행중 만난 사람들 95 – 사람 사는 곳은 다 같았다-11

(English version is below)


(나에게 재래시장 구경은 백미 중 白眉)


아프리카 대륙에서의 첫날이 밝았다닭이 울고 새가 지저귄다강아지도 짖는다아기 울음소리도 들린다안뜰 마당에서 빗질하는 소리까지 정겹게 들린다아름답다우리 시골 정서(情緖)와 전혀 다를 게 없다(최소한 6·25 이전 세대는 공감).


이런 경우를 두고 사람 사는 곳은 다 같다고들 한다인간이 만든 무슨 문화니 문명이니 하는 것들을 다 빼놓고 보면 이렇게 새벽에 듣는 자연의 소리는 어딜 가나 동일(同一)하고 자연스럽다즉 아름답다더 좋고 싫음이 없다그냥 자연스럽게 보이고 들리면 된다그러하면 그것은 그대로 아름답게 느껴진다이 본성(本性)은 이곳 아프리카 대륙에서도 전혀 다르지 않았다아무리 기계문명을 앞세운 현대화의 물결이 거세다 해도 이 아름다운 자연의 모습은 변하지 않았으면 좋겠다.


스티브가 아침 조깅을 마치고 돌아왔다알모하드 성벽을 따라 해변까지 한 바퀴 돌고 왔단다무척 아름답다며 나보고 가 볼 것을 권한다우리는 아침 식사를 하러 나갔다식사 중에도 대화는 계속된다소재(素材)는 아무것이든 좋다특히 서구인들의 정서(情緖)가 그렇다말없이 앉아 있는 건 어색함을 넘어 불안감으로 이어지기도 한다.


빵집에서 간단히 식사를 마치고 각자 여행을 시작했다나는 먼저 카스바 우다이야라고 하는 해변으로 갔다해변의 정취는 여느 곳과 다를 바 없지만 굳이 이곳의 특이한 점을 들라면 이런 장면이다요트나 윈드서핑을 즐기는 사람들은 다 서구인들이고 낚시를 하는 사람들은 다 현지인들이다한 현지인 낚시꾼에게 다가 가 물어봤더니 오늘의 먹거리를 준비하는 거란다.


마침 내가 지켜보고 있던 낚시꾼이 낚싯대를 힘차게 낚아챈다한 30cm(월척越尺)되는 제법 큰놈이 걸려들었다이 양반(30대 초반)의 함박웃음엔 행복이 가득하다너무 멋있어 사진 한 방 찰깍고기 망태를 들여다 보니 손바닥만한 물고기들이 몇 마리 있다물어 보니 큰 건 시장에 내다 팔 것이란다이내 찌를 응시(凝視)하는 그의 눈에는 삶의 의지(意志)로 충만했다그을린 듯한 적갈색의 피부와 얼굴어딜 봐도 악의(惡意)는 없어 보인다인생 역정(歷程)이 순탄치만은 않은 것으로 보이는데.


해안에는 크고 작은 바위들이 무질서하게 늘려 있다자연 방파제(防波堤)파도가 끝임 없이 밀려 와 부딪친다하얀 물거품으로 장식되는 해안이 너무나 아름답다큰 바위 위에 앉은 한 쌍의 젊은 남녀의 모습이 포착됐다궁금했다이곳의 연인들은 어떤 모습을 하고 있을까무슨 얘기들을 하고 있을까호기심이 발동하여 그들에게 다가갔다그들은 서로 어깨를 기댄 체 흥얼거리며 카셋 음악을 듣고 있었다미국 팝송이었다또 한 번 미국 문화의 세계화를 실감하는 순간이었다남자 친구는 여자 친구에게 뭔가를 열심히 설명하고 있다귀동냥을 좀 하려고 해도 허사다불어만 쓰기 때문에나와 눈이 마주친 이 친구들에게 가벼운 미소로 인사를 대신하고 얼른 자리를 떴다부디 사랑의 결실을 맺길 빌면서....


메디나(무와히드 왕조시대의 구시가舊市街)로 발길을 돌렸다이곳은 안달루시아의 성벽(城壁)과 알모하드의 성벽으로 둘러싸인 지역이다정신이 번쩍 뜨일 만큼 혼잡하고 어수선하다그러나 어딘가 모르게 아프리카 대륙의 향기가 진하게 느껴진다모처럼 아프리카의 분위기를 맛 볼 수 있을 것 같다남루한 옷차림에 암갈색의 피부들거대한 인파(人波)의 물결이 퍽 인상적이다역시 어딜 가나 재래시장(在來市場)을 빼놓을 수 없는 이유는 바로 이 매력 때문이다.


상점마다 길목마다 그들의 일용품과 식료품 그리고 전통 공예품 등이 늘려 있다()과 구리로 만든 각종 용기와 제기(祭器)들이 차곡차곡 쌓여 있다각종 액세서리와 골동품 그리고 카펫 등이 있는가 하면 가죽 제품들도 다양하다어물점(魚物店)과 육류(肉類)를 취급하는 곳 그리고 과일과 채소를 파는 곳 등골목골목을 돌아다니며 서민(凡民)들의 생활상을 볼 수 있어 너무나 좋다.


물론 약간의 불안감이 없진 않다앞에서도 말했지만 이 사람들은 사람을 쳐다보는 눈이 매우 강렬하다게다가 끝임 없는 질문들을 해댄다귀가 따갑도록 듣는 말은 '지나혹은 '니뽄'이다내가 '코리아'라고 하면 오히려 이상하다는 듯이 쳐다본다(당시엔 그랬다). 한국을 잘 모르기 때문이다그래서 나에겐 이상한 버릇이 생겼다한국인임을 확실히 알리기 위한 수단으로 꼭 두세 번 반복하여 서울코리아를 강조하는 버릇이다여러 번 들려줄수록 그 기억은 오래 가기 마련이니까일종의 반복 강화 학습인 셈이다. <계속>





*People met on my backpacking 95 – The sounds of nature were all the same-11

The Old Medina was among the best


The first day on the African continent was bright. The rooster crowed and the bird chirped. The dog barked too. A baby crying was also heard. Even the sound of cleaning the courtyard with a broom was pleasantly heard. It was beautiful. It had nothing to do with our rural sentiments (At least those born before the Korean War(1950) understand what I mean.)


We see this phenomenon and say that all the places where people live are the same. If we leave out all things such as human-made culture and civilization, after all, the sounds of nature that we hear at dawn like this are the same and natural wherever we go. That is, it was beautiful. There was no better or worse. It just looked and sounded natural. Then it felt as beautiful as it was. This nature was not at all different there on the African continent. No matter how strong the wave of modernization with mechanical civilization at the forefront, I hoped this beautiful nature will not change.


Steve came back from a morning jog. He circled around the Al Mohad wall to the beach. He said it was very beautiful and suggested that I go see it. We went out for breakfast. The conversation continued during the meal. Any story would be ok. It's especially the case with Westerners. Sitting without a word went beyond awkwardness and led to anxiety.


After a quick meal at the bakery, we each started our tour. I first went to a beach called Kasbah Udaiya. The mood of the beach was all the same, but this place was slightly different. People who enjoyed sailing and windsurfing were all Westerners, and all those fishing were locals. When I asked a local fisherman why he was fishing, he said he was preparing the food of the day.


At that moment, the angler I was watching grabbed the fishing rod vigorously. A fairly large fish, about 30 cm tall, was caught. His (early 30s) smile was full of happiness. He looked so cool I took a picture. When I looked through his net bag, there were a few fish the size of the palm of his hand. When asked him, he said that big fish were sold in the market. His eyes, staring at me, were filled with the will to live. Traces of a lot of hard work remained on his face.


Small and large rocks were scattered on the shore. It's a natural breakwater. The coast decorated with white foam was so beautiful. My eyes caught a pair of young girl and boy sitting on a large rock. I wondered what they were doing there. I approached them. They leaned on each other's shoulders, hummed and listened to cassette music. It was an American pop song. It was a moment when I realized the globalization of American culture once again. The boy was eagerly explaining something to the girl. I wanted to hear their story, but in vain. They spoke only French. I greeted them who made eye contact with me with a light smile and left quickly. Prayed that their love to come to fruition.


I turned to Medina (the old town of the Muwahid dynasty). It was a region surrounded by the walls of Andalusia and the walls of Almohad. This place was so crowded and cluttered that I was distracted. However, I could feel the scent of the African continent deeply here. I truly, for a long time, felt like I was in the real Africa. Their shabby attire, dark brown skin, and a huge wave of people were very impressive to me. After all, wherever I go, I always visit traditional markets(Medina) because of this genuine human scent (attractiveness).


Every shop and every alley was full of their daily necessities, groceries, and traditional crafts. Various vessels and wares made of silver and copper were no exception. There were various accessories, antiques and carpets, as well as leather goods. I was able to get a closer look at the daily life of ordinary people as I walked around the alleys, where fish and meat were sold, and where fruits and vegetables were sold. It was as if I had seen a huge African market and museum.


Of course, I always had a bit of anxiety. As I said before, these people's eyes on people were very intense. Besides, they asked me endless questions. The words I was tired of hearing were 'Gina' or 'Nippon'. When I said 'Korea' to them, they looked at me strangely (It was the case back then). Because they were still unfamiliar with Korea. So I came up with a clever idea. I mean, I emphasized ‘Seoul Korea’ over and over again two or three times as a means to let them know that I was a Korean. The more I told them this, the longer the memory would last. It was like repeating a kind of intensive class.



















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