
체게바라를 보기 위해 쿠바를 간다는 한국인들 bestkorea(회원)  |  2019-07-18
My travel experience story 58.
  -How come they go to crazy about Che?-
  (체게바라에 열광하는 한국인들의 쿠바여행).
  세계 여행 중 가장 큰 즐거움과 보람 가운데 하나는 대화와 토론에 있다고 생각하는 나는 국적과 인종 그리고 종교에 관계없이 기회가 나는 대로 열심히 대화를 나눈다. 물론 이들 가운데 우리나라 사람이 예외일 순 없다. 단, 경험에 의하면 한국인들은 낯선 사람과 대화를 기피하는 성향이 강하고 또한 대화에 임한다 해도 자신의 말만 한다거나 상대에 대한 관심의 표명인 어떤 의견을 묻거나 질문도 거의 하지 않는다는 점이다. 이번 우리 부부(夫婦)의 60일 남미 배낭여행에서도 한국인들을 포함한 많은 세계인들과 대화를 나눴다. 재미있는 현상 가운데 하나는 한국인들 상당수가 쿠바에 간다는 것이다. 대부분 젊은이들이지만 상당수는 50대 이상도 많았다는 게 특이했다. 왜냐하면 이들이 쿠바를 방문하는 목적은 거의 대동소이(大同小異)하기 때문이다. 일종의 쏠림현상? 가령, 한때(1990년대) 한국인들에게 인도(印度)는 철학의 나라니 명상의 나라니 하면서 너도나도 몰려간 적이 있었듯이…
  For me, one of the greatest pleasures and rewards of the world traveling is in conversation and discussion. Taking with them as soon as I get the chance, regardless of nationality, race and religion. Of course, Koreans are no exception among them. However, in my experience, Koreans tend to avoid talking to strangers. Usually they talk about their own stories. They ask little, no opinion about the other person. But again, I talked to many people around the world, including Koreans, during my couple's 60-day backpacking to South America. One of the interesting phenomena I found was that many Koreans go to Cuba. Most of them were young people, but some of them were in their 50s or older. They seemed to be in common interest. A kind of rush of Koreans to Che? For example, in 1990s, Koreans once flocked to India, saying, “India is a country of philosophy and meditation.”.
  상파울루 공항 식당에서 30대 전후의 건강한 한국인 여행객 네 사람을 만났다. 세 명의 여성과 한 명의 남성. 한국인은 거의 보이지 않던 차에 이들을 보니 반가웠다. 이들은 우리가 식사를 하고 있는 옆 테이블에 와서 앉았다..
  We met four good looking Koreans in their 30s or so at the Sao Paulo airport restaurant. Three women and one man. We were glad to see them because there were few Koreans. They came to the next table where we were eating and sat down..
  어디 가느냐고 물었더니 쿠바에 간단다. 오랫동안 가고 싶었던 곳을 이제야 간다며 아주 즐거운 표정이었다. 쿠바 외 또 어디를 가느냐고 물었더니 쿠바 한 곳만 보고 돌아간단다. 아니 이렇게 멀리 와서 쿠바만 보고 가다니 무슨 특별한 사정이 있느냐고 물었다. 이들은 직장인들이었다. 휴가가 일주일이란다. 이들은 인터넷의 동행자 구함에서 만난 친구들이었다. 그렇다면 더더욱 궁금해진다. 이 친구들은 도대체 무엇을 보기 위해 이렇게 먼 곳까지 왔을까. 대충 짐작은 했지만 혹시나 해서 물었다. 쿠바에 뭘 보러 가느냐고 했더니 이구동성(異口同聲)으로 체게바라를 보기 위해서란다. 역시나였다.
  When asked them where they were going, they said they were going to Cuba. They looked very happy, saying that they were finally going where they had long wanted to go. Asked them where they were going besides Cuba. They unexpectedly said they would see only Cuba and back to Korea. It’s too far and too expensive for Koreans to come to Cuba only to enjoy Cuba alone. Asked them if they had any special reason to be back so quick. They had to go back to their works. It's a week off. They met to each other through internet. What on earth then they come so far to Cuba. When I asked him what he was going to see in Cuba, he said, “We want to see Che Guevara.” Well, it was the reaction I expected..
  체게바라의 어떤 점이 그렇게 좋으냐고 물었다. 그들은 바로 답했다. 체게바라의 혁명정신이란다. 무슨 혁명정신? 아무튼 난 그들이 언제부터 체에 대해 관심이 있었느냐고 물었다. 대학생일 때부터란다. 그런데 체게바라는 성공한 혁명가가 아닌데 왜 하필이면 실패한 혁명가를 좋아하느냐고 물었다. 이들은 나의 이 말에 갑자기 조용해졌다. 한 여성 친구가 말했다. 자기는 체의 많은 말 가운데 ‘현실주의자가 돼라. 그러나 실현할 수 없는 꿈을 꾸어라’는 말에 감동을 받았다고 했다. 이상하게도 유독 한국인들은 체의 많은 말들 가운데 이 말을 좋아했다. 예전에 라오스에서 만났던 직장인 남녀 친구들도 그렇게 말했다. 그 때 라오스에서 내가 그들에게 한 말을 오늘은 이곳 상파울루에서 이들에게 할 줄이야. 왜 하필이면 실현 불가능한 꿈을 꾸느냐? 실현 가능한 꿈을 꾸어도 그것을 실현하려면 인생이, 아니 젊은 시절이 너무 짧은데…의외로 이 친구들 가운데 한 명은 나에게 질문을 하기 시작했다.
  I asked them what point of Che’s they liked the most. They said right away. “We like his revolutionary spirit. What kind of it I asked them. They said they became interested in him since in college. I asked them why they like a failed revolutionary. It’s better trust a successful revolutionary. They suddenly became quiet when I said this. A lady said, “Of all the words of Che’s, I like this one, “Be realistic. Demand the impossible.” I told her it’s a kind of none sense. Told her, "Have a dream that you can realize." Strangely enough for me, many Koreans seem to like it. Two Koreans I met in Laos said the same word. So, I also told her what I said to them in Laos. “Why do Koreans dream impossible? For that, life is too short to make it come true.” Then, unexpectedly one of them began asking me questions..
  A: one of them / B: one of us
  A: Where are you going, anyway? What’s your purpose of your traveling in S. America? Is it the first time here?
  B: No, it’s the third time. My first visit was in 1995. We’re going to see the glaciers in the South Pole as well as Iguazu Falls, Machu Pichu and Nazca and so on..
  A: That’s great. I’m envious of you. But why not Cuba? It’s worth visiting, isn’t it?
  B: Right. But you know my point is not Che guevara but Hemingway in Hvana Cuba. As I told you I’m interested in the winners not the losers. Why? It’s because the losers give their people nothing but poverty..
  A: Is that so? Who then can you tell me succeeded in the revolution?
  B: Well, there are many. Other than communist revolutionaries, there are democratic revolutionaries, industrial revolutionaries, or digital revolutionaries. In other words, no one has succeeded as a communist revolutionary. Rather, they enjoyed their honor, power and wealth, but they deprived their people of their lives and property and put them in pain..
  A: How could you say that? You know Che guevara is the symbol or icon of our time especially for our generation.
  B: No, no. Listen. I was once just like you a huge fan of him but only for the time being. I mean I was disappointed at him after visiting his hometown, Losario where he was born in Argentina. And also to Valle Grande near Santa Cruz in Bolivia where he was shot down. And asked the locals about Che..
  A: Wow. You mean you did visit there for yourself?
  B: Yep. Ok. Then I strongly recommend you to visit Che’s hometown, Then you will know the fact that he was not so good man for the locals. Well, I think Che has been too commercialized. When I visit there long ago, there were not so big and brilliant statues or pictures in the park, streets and on the walls. But now you know he’s been too much changed, too big business..
  A: Very interesting. I think it makes sense to hear you. He seems to be so glorified and heroic in movies and media such as TV.
  B: You got it. Anyway, I hope you go see him and figure out what the reality is. And hopefully pay attention to the Hemingway in Havana. You'll be surprised at him surrounded by so many people from the world..
  **The ultimate purpose of all kinds of traveling is to remind me that life is worth living.
  Thanks. Have a nice trip.
  • 청년백수 2019-07-19 오전 5:05:00
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