
영문판 bestkorea  |  2024-07-26  |  조회 : 41  |  찬성 : 2  |  반대 : 0


What I’m think about 18 - Don't miss an opportunity


"There are times." This remark comes to mind whenever I read the headlines these days. According to a U.S. study, Jerusalem and the Dead Sea in Israel are among the sites Americans desire to see before they die. Despite being an enemy country, it is believed that Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia, Tiananmen Square in China, and the Great Wall in China. However, the dream was better to abandon. These countries are either at war or near-war. They missed the proper moment. *China's espionage laws make it much more perilous. This is because we do not know when, where, or what will occur.


Many people from all over the world had postponed their vacation for various reasons (money, time, or health). They eventually heard that the moment had arrived, and just as they were packing their baggage, a virus known as COVID-19 surfaced. As if fighting for death, each country was disclosing death counts in real time. We plainly understood how anyone may suddenly leave the planet. So, three years have gone. As soon as everyone got free of COVID-19, they flew across the globe like they had an appointment. Tickets sold like hotcakes, and popular tourist destinations were overcrowded and broke out.


Unexpected events arose here and there. Many countries shifted from holding tourists to rejection. In summary, they were dissatisfied and tired of visitors. The locals opposed the visitors in many of ways. They began to refuse tourists by a variety of measures, including pickets, roadblocks, imposing admission fees to prominent attractions like museums, implementing a twofold pricing system, and collecting tourism taxes. In this climate, travelers can't have a pleasant and enjoyable lifelong travel experience. Everything is the result of missing the 'time'.


Countries that refuse or insult visitors for a variety of reasons include China, Russia, Israel, Brazil, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Austria, Croatia (Dubrovnik), Indonesia (Bali), Bhutan, Tuvalu, Maldives, Ecuador (Galapagos), Italy (Venezia), Switzerland, Thailand, India, Vietnam, Myanmar, Egypt, and Spain. Some Japanese restaurants and ryokans also discriminate against foreign tourists by charging them twice or more.


*I was reminded of the expression "there are times" in the globe.



Thanks for reading.



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